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Ajoite is traditionally found in Arizona but the pocket is now depleted and can be found in South Africa. That said, it is still extremely rare to find this inclusion in Quartz.  


Here we have an example, all be it small, on this Cornish Quartz Cluster. Please take a look at the video where you can see the blue inside one point. This alone make this piece very special. In addition,  we have a beautiful example of a Cornish cluster with Hematite  and other incisions. 


Ajoite will help you connect to the angelic realm, the Divine and bring forth a deeper knowledge and understanding and help you to express that. 



Due to weight and  protection of the specimen- postage TBC. After purchase,  I will contact you with postage details. 

Dimensions in inches
L9 , H5, W3

I also have videos if you would like a closer look. 

Cornish Rare Ajoite included Quartz

600,00£ Standardpreis
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