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Because We Care

Facebook Group Guidelines

Hi, it’s so wonderful to have you in our Facebook Group! Please take a moment to review our group guidelines and policies. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

These are private groups reserved exclusively for our paid members. Any member up to date on their payments (or paid in full) and in good standing can be in this group. Good standing means that you’re cool, kind, honest, generous, and you communicate from a place of compassion and love.

We don’t advertise in this group. It’s much more about sharing resources, supporting each other and getting feedback from each other.

Here are our Community Guidelines:

1. This Facebook Group is strictly for paid members in good standing.

2. The goal for this group is to increase your combined knowledge, collaborate, share ideas, resources, to mingle & support each other.

3. This group is community-run, moderated, and maintained.

4. We have a zero-tolerance policy for negativity, gossip or toxic energy. This is a supportive & encouraging space and we intend to keep it that way. This is our private & safe sanctuary where no question is stupid & no haters allowed. If you have a complaint for Primal Stone please send us an email. Do not use this group as a place to gripe as that doesn’t help us to help you. We likely won’t see the post, therefore no pro-action & it may just end up in amplifying & commiserating. This is not bringing good energy to a space. Please keep it loving & positive. If necessary, posts will be deleted & 1 loving warning given. We live by The Golden Rule. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Primal Stone has a zero-tolerance policy for negativity, hate speech, bullying, gossip, or toxic energy. We want you to know that we are committed to inclusivity and we will remove posts and comments that violate our community standards in regard to our students’ race, age, culture, ability, ethnicity or nationality, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, marital status, religious affiliation, and socioeconomic status. We strive to keep this group a safe, welcoming space for all our members.

We take the safety and confidentiality of this group very seriously. Do not share any information from this group, including Primal Stone content or the content, comments, and images of other members.

5. Please do not tag Primal Stone or any member of the Team or private message us as we will most likely not see it. The FB Group is not a place to get tech support or have admin discussions. They will likely not be seen & you’ll just get frustrated. We don’t want that. If you see a fellow member asking for tech support, please direct them to contact

6. Opinions, advice and all other information expressed by members in discussions or on the group wall are those of the author. You rely on such information at your own risk. Members are urged to seek professional advice for specific, individual situations and not rely solely on advice or opinions given in the discussions or group wall.

7. Please be wise, prudent & responsible when engaging in any transactions with others (do your own due diligence)

8. Be respectful of other people’s Intellectual Property. No uploading of copyrighted material (be it photographs or text) without the explicit permission of the copyright owner. Materials that are out of copyright, or covered under “fair-use” rules are fine. If you’re ever in doubt, always ask first.

9. Focus on giving more than getting. You’ll gain so much more from being in this group.

10. Please don’t post private messages publicly in the group between you & another member (or anyone else) without asking their permission first.

11. HAVE FUN! These guidelines are here to keep the Primal Tribe positive & enjoyable for us all.

While we hope that these groups will last a lifetime, we may alter or cease the operation of the groups at any time at our sole discretion. If Facebook changes terms, we will try to find an alternate space for members, but cannot be held responsible for Facebook’s change of terms.

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