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The Resurgence of Sekhmet Consciousness: Exploring the Ancient Power Within

Updated: Sep 16, 2023

In the intricate tapestry of ancient Egyptian mythology, few deities captivate as profoundly as Sekhmet. This lioness-headed goddess symbolises the fusion of destructive and protective forces, a potent archetype that finds resonance in personal experiences and cosmic alignments, such as the Lions Gate Portal. As Sekhmet consciousness awakens within individuals, including myself, it ushers in a collective rise that echoes through our modern world.

In delving into the resurgence of Sekhmet consciousness, it's essential to recognise her origins in the rich tapestry of ancient Egyptian spirituality. Sekhmet's lioness-headed representation is deeply rooted in the ancient civilization of Kemet, with a profound cultural and historical significance within the African diaspora. As we explore the contemporary rise of Sekhmet consciousness, it's crucial to do so with an understanding of her origins in Africa's spiritual heritage.

This year's Lions Gate Portal, a cosmic alignment channeling transformative energy, coincided with a pivotal moment in my journey of Sekhmet consciousness. The portal's energy magnified the call of Sekhmet, urging me to delve deeper into her archetype and wisdom. Amidst this immersive energy, it became apparent that the cosmic resonance of the portal was intricately linked with the realisation of a collective rise of Sekhmet consciousness.

Around the same time, I had the privilege of joining a class led by the insightful Hannah from Cult Mother Tarot. Her exploration of the Queen of Wands card, for me unexpectedly aligned with Sekhmet's consciousness. Delving into the symbolism of the card, I recognised how the fierce lion energy in the card resonated with Sekhmet's transformative power. This connection reinforced the idea that ancient wisdom, like Sekhmet's, transcends time to illuminate our modern experiences.

Over time, the resonance with Sekhmet and her energy practices has gained momentum. More individuals turn to delve into the spiritual aspects of the ancients, seeking to honour the goddess holistically. Among the pantheon of deities, Sekhmet shines for distinct reasons. Her duality, embracing both fierceness and nurturing, resonates deeply with human experiences, offering guidance and transformation. The internet age's wealth of information has opened unprecedented avenues to explore ancient wisdom, as seen in the surge of practitioners delivering Sekhmet Sekhem energy healing and the rise of Kemetic yoga, inspired by Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and linked to Sekhmet and her teachings. These trends reflect the growing interest in her archetype and the collective consciousness she embodies.

Embracing Sekhmet consciousness weaves a tapestry of empowerment and healing. She serves as a mirror, reflecting aspects of self in need of growth and transformation. Beyond that, her energy fosters healing, making her the ideal guide for my energy work. With each session I deliver or use for the self, her empowering presence ushers profound shifts and deeper self-understanding.

But what is Collective Consciousness and the Rise of Sekhmet Consciousness?

The rise of Sekhmet consciousness within a collective context points to a broader reactivation. Individuals from diverse backgrounds recognise the significance of her archetype, transcending personal spiritual journeys into a shared understanding crossing cultural and geographical boundaries.

Recognition of Healing and Empowerment:

The surge in Sekhmet's archetype exploration mirrors collective acknowledgment of the need for healing and empowerment, both personally and societally. In a world grappling with challenges from environmental concerns to social injustices, Sekhmet's energy symbolises the courage needed to confront these issues and create positive change.

Inner Strength and Resilience:

Sekhmet's philosophy underscores cultivating inner strength and resilience. Within collective consciousness, this translates to understanding transformation's origin within each individual. By harnessing Sekhmet's essence, people find courage to face fears, overcome obstacles, and tap into innate power. This empowerment radiates outward, inspiring others on paths of self-discovery and growth.

Harmonious and Just World:

Sekhmet's archetype embodies the balance between destruction and restoration. Within collective consciousness, this balance seeks a harmonious and just world. As more resonate with Sekhmet's energy, awareness of interconnection and shared responsibility to nurture the planet deepens. Desire for justice, equity, and ecological balance aligns with Sekhmet's philosophy, driving action toward an equitable, sustainable global community.

Catalyst for Positive Change:

The rise of Sekhmet consciousness catalyses broader positive change. Individuals resonating with her energy gravitate toward causes reflecting her attributes—courage, healing, transformation. This awakening ignites a movement fostering unity and purpose in addressing societal challenges for a better future.

In summary, the Lions Gate Portal served as the catalyst that ignited my realisation of Sekhmet's reemergence within the collective consciousness. This connection becomes evident as more individuals are drawn to Sekhmet for guidance. As we witness this resurgence, it's apparent that Sekhmet's archetype is guiding us towards a shared journey of empowerment and transformation. Through her fierce presence, we can find the inspiration and motivation to stand up for what matters, working collectively to create positive change. The echoes of Sekhmet's resurgence reverberate through our modern world, a testament to the enduring power of ancient wisdom and its ability to shape our shared future.

Want to learn more?

Are you ready to explore the transformative power of Sekhmet's consciousness within your own journey and contribute to the collective rise of empowerment, healing, and unity? Dive deeper into the ancient energy of Sekhmet through a 11week embodiment course, experience guided meditations or book a Sekhem session all of which will connect you with her fierce and healing presence.

Acknowledging Limitations

As an individual of white English descent exploring the resurgence of Sekhmet consciousness, I recognise my own perspective's limitations. I am not an expert in African spirituality, but I approach this journey with genuine respect for Africa's contributions.

Education is key. I'll study Sekhmet's historical context, cultural symbolism, and spiritual role in Kemet.My journey embraces growth and humility. I'll learn, reflect, and correct, respecting Sekhmet's African essence. My intention is to honour her origins while acknowledging my role as a seeker with much to learn.

Further Readings:

The Woman with the Alabaster Jar: Mary Magdalen and the Holy Grail by Margaret Starbird. While not directly about Sekhmet, this book offers insights into sacred feminine symbolism and spirituality that align with themes present in Sekhmet's archetype.

The Return of the Feminine and the World Soul by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee Explores the concept of the "anima mundi" or world soul, which resonates with Sekhmet's dual nature of destruction and healing.

The Red Goddess by Peter Grey A modern exploration of the goddess Babalon, often associated with Sekhmet, that delves into archetypal feminine power and transformation.

The Ankh: African Origin of Electromagnetism by Nur Ankh Amen

Offers insights into the ancient African spiritual and scientific knowledge that Sekhmet's archetype could be connected to.

The Destruction of Black Civilization: Great Issues of a Race from 4500 B.C. to 2000 A.D. by Chancellor Williams

While not focused solely on Sekhmet, this book provides historical context for ancient African civilisations, including Kemet (Egypt), that Sekhmet originates from.

When God Was a Woman by Merlin Stone An exploration of goddess worship and matriarchal societies, offering insights into the sacred feminine themes present in Sekhmet's archetype.

The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe: Myths and Cult Images by Marija Gimbutas While not directly about Sekhmet, this work delves into goddess worship and ancient cultures, contributing to the understanding of feminine archetypes like Sekhmet.

The Serpent and the Goddess: Women, Religion, and Power in Celtic Ireland by Mary Condren Explores goddess symbolism and feminine power, drawing parallels to Sekhmet's attributes.

The Book of the Goddess: Past and Present: An Introduction to Her Religion by Carl Olson Provides a comprehensive overview of goddess worship throughout history, including insights that could relate to Sekhmet's archetype.

The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects by Barbara G. Walker A valuable resource for understanding symbolism related to the divine feminine, including themes associated with Sekhmet.

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Aigburth, Liverpool, United kingdom 


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